
Repairnator: a program repair bot for Travis

Repairnator: a program repair bot for Travis

The Repairnator project is a project to design, implement and operate a repair bot for continuous integration. After a test failure, it gets the corresponding commit, runs the best-of-breed program repair tools, and suggests a patch to the developer as a pull request on Github

WordPress – A Content-Management System to Democratize publishing

WordPress – A Content-Management System to Democratize publishing

Given its importance, WordPress deserved to have a dedicated impact column in the IEEE Software magazine. IEEE Software‘s mission is to be the best source of reliable, useful, peer-reviewed information for leading software practitioners. The goal of these impact columns is to develop a better quantitative understanding of software’s impact on different industries. As such, the goal of the column is not just to describe a specific software product but to provide some insights on how the software is being developed and some metrics that help to assess its impact.

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