by Adem Ait Fonollà | Jan 21, 2025 | AI, Community, research
The development of empirical studies in Open-Source Software (OSS) requires large amounts of data regarding software development events and developer actions, which are typically collected from code hosting platforms. Code hosting platforms are built on top of a...
by Jordi Cabot | Dec 20, 2024 | AI, Community, Programming
This was the title of the talk I gave as part of the Unitalks series organized by the University of Luxembourg. Talk abstract “Software is eating the world. Software powers your phone, your car and even your fridge. We need more and more software every day to...
by Jordi Cabot | Aug 18, 2023 | Community
The long-term sustainability of FOSS is a complex and multi-dimensional problem (technical, economical, social, political, etc.). We believe more transparency in how projects are governed would be a significant improvement to all such dimensions. And one that it is...
by Javier Cánovas | Jun 1, 2023 | Code, Community
The development of Open Source projects is more than just coding and releasing software. Nowadays, project maintainers have to pay attention to a number of configuration and information files, such as license, contribution guidelines, code of conduct or security...
by Adem Ait Fonollà | Sep 21, 2022 | Community, Tool, Uncategorized
The growing AI market has generated an explosion of libraries, datasets, models and all types of AI-related software artefacts to exploit and serve such markets. Many of them released with open-source licenses to facilitate their reuse and foster collaboration efforts...
by Javier Cánovas | May 17, 2022 | Code, Community
As part of our research work, we periodically monitor GitHub to know what is being brewed and what is getting more attention (using stars as a proxy for attention / popularity) from the community. During May 2022, we performed a quick pass on the top 25 starred...