Livable Software

Building software worth using. Growing a sustainable community around it.

We all want to live in a livable city. Push for livable software as well. In our current information society both are equally important.

What Is This Site About

Software, and especially open source software, is the digital infrastructure of our society. Therefore, software sustainability is a key concern. This site wants to help on this. But beyond being sustainable, software should also be enjoyable or people will stop using it. This implies software must be correct, usable, respond to the users’ needs and evolve accordingly.

The only way to achieve both goals is to make sure we build a community around the software where all members participate and contribute to the definition and development of such software. Same as with cities but in a digital world. We have been working to have livable cities to live in. It’s now time to focus on filling them with livable software.


We will talk about all aspects of software development but with an emphasis on open source software as the critical pillar on top of which most of the other software is built.  And since software is made and used by people, we will cover the human aspects of software development: community management, software governance, onboarding…
To achieve our goals, we will do our best to share all new tools / methods / techniques that can help in building livable software. And, as researchers ourselves, we will conduct studies and investigations to push forward the frontiers of knowledge on these same topics.

If you believe your work is worth sharing or want to collaborate in our research projects, drop us a line.

  • Development Tools 80% 80%
  • Community Management 90% 90%
  • Open Source 95% 95%

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