On the huge importance of non-tech roles in Open Source: Empirical study on NPM

On the huge importance of non-tech roles in Open Source: Empirical study on NPM

The role of non-tech/non-coding contributors in Open Source Software (OSS) is poorly understood. Most of current research around OSS development focuses on the coding aspects of the project (e.g., commits, pull requests or code reviews) while ignoring the potential of...
Open Source as a matching market

Open Source as a matching market

Matching markets are markets where the allocation – i.e. who gets what – is not (completely) driven by price. A classical example is kidney exchanges. It’s illegal to buy a kidney, even if you want to. It’s impossible to donate yours if the recipient is...
20+ tools to help you mine and analyze GitHub and Git data

20+ tools to help you mine and analyze GitHub and Git data

Any important decision should be grounded on data. This is also true for any decision that affects your software projects. You shouldn’t reach any conclusion regarding the health of your project or the actions to take to improve it without a good look at the...